Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer Updates

We had another successful Summer Reading Program this year! We are so proud of our readers and are happy they were dedicated to reading during this hot, hot summer! Our top young reader read over 124 hours total and we also had many readers who accomplished reading over 10 hours this summer. We hope that these dedicated readers continue to read during the upcoming school year and we see them again next year when the SRP theme's is "One World, Many Stories."

Ms. Donna's Storytime for Preschoolers starts up again on Tuesday, September 14th at 11:30 a.m. Join Ms. Donna and other children for storytime, dancing, singing, and crafts! Pre-registration is not required! Stop by every Tuesday morning!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As you may have noticed, we haven't updated with new releases in the past 5 months. This is because we have a new feature on our website that automatically generates our new releases through an RSS feed. We have feeds set up for DVDs, Adult, Young Adult, and Children's Materials.

What is an RSS Feed??

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually.

Please visit this link to view these new RSS feeds that will provide you with information on what is new to our library collection!

New Arrivals

We have also added little feeds on the side of this blog that will update the reader with the 5 latest new arrivals to each designated collection.